A license to kill, dammit
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Having just had a birthday recently, I got my new driver's license last week. It wasn't a particularly unpleasant experience as BMV visits go, and it's kind of exciting (in that mundune pathetic sort of way) to have a new license with holograms and bar codes and other fancy stuff.
But... it's pink. Actually, just the bar across the top is pink, not the whole thing. Still... it's pink. I mean, what the fuck?!
Last time I checked, the state population was running roughly 50-50 along the gender lines. And the last I heard, the old "blue for boys, pink for girls" thing is considered outdated and sexist. So why, of all the colors of the rainbow they could have picked, did they choose pink? I guessing (and mind you, this is just a guess) it has to do with the security features (trying photocopying pink sometime), but still... it's pink. Hell, even lavendar is more manly than pink. Sheesh.
By the way, I am absolutely not going to be posting my license photo, so don't even ask.