Unable to leave well enough alone since 1996
Nothing But Trouble
Michael Andrew Itzoe

Nothing But Trouble

From the Michael Andrew album Four Play
Words and music by Michael Andrew Itzoe


Another of my infamous "I-don't-know-how-to-say-I-love-you" songs. Sometimes it's just easier not to say anything and avoid the heartbreak of rejection than to take the risk. Or as a wise man once said, "It's best to be thought a fool than to open the mouth and remove all doubt."


Released December 15, 1998
b/w You Don't Have To Explain


If there's a smile on my face
Don't be surprised
I'm thinking of your eyes
And dreaming my life away

But if I were to say
What I really mean
I don't have the courage now
I'm just not that brave

Even though I want you
Even though it hurts
Nothing but trouble is all it's worth
For I would rather lose you
Than drive you away
This broken heart of mine won't let me say
These words

If I'm standing too close
I do apologize
I can't get close enough
To make you realize

But if we were to brush
Just to feel your skin
I would be in heaven
If only it were real

I would rather live a lifetime of loneliness
Than a moment of misery and heartache
'Cause you mean too much to me already
For me to throw it away
It's the chance I've got to take
The life I'll choose to lead