Underwhelming since 1996
Off The Wall

Off The Blog

January 7, 2017

So in case you haven't noticed, comics are back. Yes, you read that right... Comics are back!

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August 28, 2014

Hey! Where are the comics?!

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November 9, 2011

So here's what's going on folks: Just as I start back up and am really making a concerted effort to be consistent — even going so far as to do a running storyline — my computer goes kablooie. I'm not sure 100% what the problem is, but it shuts off at random times. I'm fairly certain it's the power supply, because it doesn't stay up as long when the scanner is plugged in and in use. Doing anything — including posting this — is a race against time where I'm usually the loser.

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July 22, 2011

This is so wrong, I can't believe I did it. Not to mention this troubling trend of subjects these past few days. Good heavens, I hope that's all I got.

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January 10, 2011

Changes are awash. I was planning on starting comics again today but, well, that didn't happen. Tomorrow — Scout's honor — plus I'll get today's up as well.

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March 9, 2010

Okay, I guess it isn't clear, but she's standing on a stage. My initial drawing was larger, but rather than shrink it like I normally would, I decided to crop it instead. Maybe not the best decision, but tomorrow it won't matter anyway

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February 13, 2010

No, seriously. Look it up.

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January 14, 2010

With apologies to Charles Shultz and John Lennon.

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October 12, 2009

Actually, the joke is that I didn't draw this with the pen tablet. But I did draw it right-handed for effect.

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October 8, 2009

Not one to try to tempt fate, but I'm surely going to hell for this.

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